
Understanding Anti-Inflammatory Diets
Anti-inflammatory diets focus on consuming foods that may help reduce chronic inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to several health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and even certain cancers. By choosing nutrient-dense, whole foods and minimizing pro-inflammatory items, these diets aim to promote overall health and well-being.

Why You Shouldn’t Do A Nutrition Challenge
Nutrition challenges can be an incredible way to kickstart healthy habits, but not all challenges are created equal. Before committing to one, it's essential to ensure that the challenge aligns with your goals, lifestyle, and preferences. Let’s break down the five things you should consider when deciding whether a nutrition challenge is right for you.

Specific Tips for Making It Through the Holidays
Following up on last week's podcast, Clancie and Bryan talk about specific strategies for hydration, planning treats, eating healthy, socializing, and accountability.
💙 hydration! Hydration! HYDRATION!
🦅 Plan your treats
💙 Eat healthy the rest of the day
🦅 Socialize away from the buffet
💙 Find an accountability partner

Say What? Fruit is Making Us Fat?
Is Fruit Making Me Fat?
Excessive consumption of fructose, which is the sugar found in fruit, is the #1 sugar source causing obesity in America. But fruit IS NOT making you fat! Fructose in the form of high-fructose corn syrup found in sugary beverages and processed foods is the leading cause of obesity in Americans.
TLDR… eat the fruit!!

Sign Up! Get Back on Track with Your Nutrition
Get back on track after the holidays with our four-week Nutrition Jump Start beginning on January 13. Blue Eagle members and your friends are all invited to join us.

Which has More Protein: Peanut Butter or Bread?
💙 Confused about reading nutrition labels?
🦅 How to tell if you're eating protein, fat, or carbs (hint: you're probably wrong)
💙 How can peanut butter keep you from reaching your goals?

5 Nutrition Myths that Need to Die to Lose Weight
💙 Struggling to lose weight even though you eat well?
🦅 Do you know where you learned the nutritional tips you're following?
💙 You may have fallen into one of these five traps

Constipated? Here's Why And What You Can Do About It
Preventing and Treating Constipation
💙 4 Ways to get your digestive system flowing again
🦅 What causes constipation?
💙 Why does traveling seem to cause constipation?

What Supplements Should You Take?
Performance Enhancement. Athletes and individuals engaged in physical activities may benefit from supplements that enhance performance, such as protein powders, creatine, or branched-chain amino acids.

What about Caffeine?
💙 What are the impacts of caffeine?
🦅 How much caffeine is too much caffeine?
💙 What are the best sources of caffeine?
🦅 What sources should be avoided?

23 Ways to Sneak Protein into Your Diet
There are plenty of tasty ways to sneak in that protein!
Try adding lean protein sources to your favorite meals. For example, toss some grilled chicken or tofu into your salad, blend a scoop of protein powder into your smoothie, or mix beans into your pasta dishes.

Do you Have a Coach or a Cheerleader?
A coach is like a strategist, guiding you through the game, providing feedback, and helping you improve your skills. They might challenge you, push you out of your comfort zone, and focus on your development.
A cheerleader is there to uplift you and provide moral support. They're the ones cheering you on, celebrating your victories, and offering encouragement. They do not provide detailed strategies like a coach or help improve your skills and abilities.

Enjoy Clean Wine from Scout & Cellar with Lisa Moody
Scout & Cellar is a new wine brand that focuses on making clean wines. Clean wines are made without added sulfites, which can be harmful to some people.
Lisa Moody is a wine expert who is passionate about making clean wines that are both delicious and healthy.
Scout & Cellar wines are available in a variety of styles, so there is something for everyone to enjoy. The wines are also affordable, so you can enjoy a glass without breaking the bank.

4 Things Your Kitchen Needs for YOU to Look Better
4 Things Your Kitchen Needs for YOU to Lose Weight. If you are looking to revamp your life by improving your nutrition, here are four things you need in your kitchen to help you reach your goals.

The Top 4 Reasons your Nutrition Plan has Failed
You want to look better, feel better and even sleep better. You know that taking care of your nutrition is important. And you have tried. But it isn’t working… at least it doesn’t work for very long. Nothing you try seems to stick. AND YOU BLAME YOURSELF. You think that if you just had more willpower… if you just had more discipline… if you just cared more… you would be better.
Here’s the truth: It’s not your fault.

WIN $100.
Beach season is right around the corner. Let's get ready! Join us for our "Six Weeks to a Six-pack Challenge." Three workouts every week focusing on your core. Nutrition tips & tricks from a nutrition coach. Do the workouts at the gym or on your own time. Win a crisp $100 bill for the best increase in core strength.

What to Eat Before You Exercise
Fueling correctly before your workout will help you perform better and recover quickly. Ideally, you want to have energy during the workout without feeling too full. Here’s how to achieve that ideal balance, whether you work out first thing in the morning, mid-day, or in the evening.

How to Become Sugar Savvy
If you’re having trouble meeting your nutrition, weight loss, or fitness goals -- or just generally feeling tired and run down -- you could be eating too much sugar.
When we talk about sugar, most people think of ice cream, cookies, or soda, but sugar lurks everywhere in processed, packaged food. Just because a product is labeled “organic,” “all-natural,” or “gluten-free,” doesn’t mean it’s healthy or “sugar-free”.

Here are five ways to eat more healthy protein every day. Eating lean protein at every meal is essential to developing a healthy body. Great options include filet mignon, chicken breasts, and fish.

14-Day “Get Lean” Meal Plan
The Foundation is Nutrition
Eat meat & vegetables, nuts & seeds, some fruit, little starch & no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.
Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard & fast.
Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations & patterns as creativity will allow.
Routine is the enemy.
Keep workouts short & intense. Regularly learn & play new sports.