Here are five ways to eat more healthy protein every day.  Eating lean protein at every meal is essential to developing a healthy body. Great options include filet mignon, chicken breasts, and fish.

How can I eat more protein?

  1. Replace breakfast cereal with three eggs

  2. Choose Greek yogurt as a snack, especially with fruit for flavor

  3. Add turkey breasts or tuna to a salad

  4. Drink a protein shake

  5. Order a leaner cut of steak but a larger size, e.g. filet mignon in place on a NY strip

Why is protein important?

Imagine that your body is a house, and your muscles are the exterior walls made of bricks. Those bricks are amino acids, which only come from protein. As we move through the day in our normal lives, but especially as we stress our muscles through exercise, our muscles break down. For our muscles to rebuild, which makes them stronger, they need to rebuild with amino acids. While our bodies can produce eleven amino acids, nine of the twenty amino acids are essential amino acids (EAAs). EAAs must come from diet or supplementation since the body can’t make them.

When we well-balanced meals that include lean protein, healthy fats, vegetables, and fruit, we may notice we feel more satisfied with our meals. We also notice that we have more energy, our moods are more positive, and we sleep better.

How much protein should I eat?

Our goal is to eat lean protein at every meal at least three times a day. Calorie-counting may be a popular option for people these days, especially with all the apps available to track our food intake. But it doesn’t have to be that complicated. We like to use our hands to help us gauge how much food we are eating.

A serving of protein = 1 palm


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