October Programming 🍁

Olympic lifts | Time Trials | DB Workouts

It’s Fall ya’ll! Time to build some muscle under some cozy crew necks and flannels. Maybe I’m speaking too soon 🥵. At any rate, before we get into out October programming, let’s recap last month!

Here’s a look at some PR highlights from September…

If you were around for our Hero WOD, Andi, you’re probably still going into this month with some soreness. Shoutout to Shawn Kaltenbach for PR’ing his time by 5 minutes and 31 seconds (22:56)!

We also had the opportunity to work through our gymnastics with some toes-to-bar (among other gymnastic movements). Tanner Lingbloom has been working tirelessly on them and it has paid off. As his coach, I can official say he has the green light to do T2B RX’d now! Honorable mentions go out to Tom Jacques who is down to two mats on his kipping handstand pushups! Keep working hard 👊💥

Lastly, during the quiet hour of our 6:30p class, Maryana Avendano showed up as she always does with a bright smile to a snatching and double-under workout (both things she probably wouldn‘t say she loves). In the moment of practice, she got her VERY FIRST DOUBLE-UNDER! We’re so proud of you Maryana!

Monthly Focus

  • Prepare for heavy olympic lifts and CrossFit Total Saturday!

  • Utilizing more KBs and DBs in workouts. Balancing single arm strength weaknesses. Look out for different movements commonly done with barbells

  • Hero workout: Zachary Teller

  • Lady Workout: Karen

  • Faith RX’D partner workout: October 14

Thank you for your commitment to your health. Go out there this month and crush it!


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