Saying Great Things about Yourself Even If It's Make Believe

What are you saying to yourself when life gets hard? One of the things we practice in a workout is saying positive affirmations to keep us going. Bonus... what I say to myself might be made up. :)

Here are some ways to improve saying positive affirmations to yourself, especially during personal training sessions.

  • Make them personal and meaningful

    The affirmations that will work best for you are the ones that are specific to your own thoughts and feelings. Don't just repeat generic affirmations that you find online. Take some time to think about what you want to improve about yourself, and then come up with affirmations that target those specific areas.

  • Repeat them often

    The more you repeat your affirmations, the more likely they are to sink in and become a part of your subconscious mind. Aim to repeat your affirmations at least once a day, but more is often better.

  • Say them out loud

    There is something about saying affirmations out loud that makes them more powerful. When you say them out loud, you are not only hearing them, but you are also speaking them to the world. This can help to reinforce your belief in them.

  • Be patient

    It takes time for positive affirmations to work. Don't expect to see results overnight. Just keep repeating them, and eventually you will start to see a difference in the way you think and feel about yourself.

  • Be present

    When you are saying your affirmations, try to focus on the present moment and really believe what you are saying. Don't dwell on the past or worry about the future. Just focus on the here and now, and let the affirmations sink in.

  • Visualize yourself achieving your goals

    As you repeat your affirmations, take some time to visualize yourself achieving your goals. See yourself being successful, confident, and happy. This will help to make your affirmations even more powerful.

  • Find a supportive community

    Sharing your affirmations with a supportive community can help you stay motivated and on track. There are many online and offline communities where you can find people who are also using positive affirmations to improve their lives.


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