February Programming πŸ’™πŸ’˜

Love is in the air, and so is the chalk dust! πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ This February, we're embarking on a journey of strength and gymnastic prowess. Join us for a month-long series of specialized pull-up gymnastic seminars. The sessions are divided into four parts:

  • Session 1: Getting Your First Perfect Pull-up

  • Session 2: Making Pull-ups Easier - The Kip Swing

  • Session 3: Banded Techniques That Work - Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups

  • Session 4: Everyone Can Do a Muscle-up

For details and sign up, check out our latest blog! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

The Blue Eagle Open

All of this excitement leads to one of our biggest events – The CrossFit Open! If you're unfamiliar with the Open, read about it in our blog HERE

In addition to the global event, we host our own special in-house competition, The Blue Eagle Open. Divided into three teams, each led by one of our fantastic coaches, we'll engage in three weeks of workouts together, earning points for attending events, bringing friends, showcasing spirit on social media, and achieving high workout scores in your division.

But wait, there's more!

The fourth week brings a team workout, testing not just physical strength but also teamwork and creativity. Expect prizes, community bonding, and unforgettable PRs. Don't miss out – stay tuned for our next blog post detailing all the exciting event information.

February Game Plan 🏈πŸ’₯

We are going to hit the ground running hard this month in preparation for the Open in March. What you can expect to see are a variety of movement types and loads to test our capacity. Picture both sides of the coin, whether its heavy weights with short reps and light weights with large sets.

Along with our metcon we are going to come back to Olympic lifting and see where our strength potentials are. We have mapped out a max snatch and max clean and jerk strength work to see where we are. Leading up to each will be workouts breaking down the components of each movement. For example, 1 session on the push jerk as well as a session on the squat clean to make up the clean and jerk.

So excited to lift heavy with you guys and champion you on going into this year’s Open!

February Focus

  • Welcome to February! This month’s focus is Open Prep.

  • Leading athletes to find a 1-RM Clean & Jerk as well as a 1-RM Snatch

  • Metcons will test your capacity through a variety of loads and movement types for the online competition

  • Hero workout: β€œNutts” (2/16)

  • Lady Workout: β€œHelen” (2/26)

  • Faith RX’D partner workout: 2/10

Thank you for your commitment to your health. Go out there this month and crush it!


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