Drink the Good Wine, Eat the Good Food

Spend time with friends. Enjoy Saturday night dinners with one another. Drink the good wine. Eat the good food.

How to Connect with Friends

  1. Make a list of people who give you energy

  2. Order the list by the last time you saw them, with the top of the list being people who you haven’t seen in the longest time

  3. Call or text the person at the top of the list with invitation for coffee or dinner

  4. Wait two days

  5. If no response, call or text the next person on the list

Make Dinner

  1. Dinner does not have to be difficult or complicated

  2. The people you invited are coming to see you and not just for the food

  3. Prepare dinner when your guests arrive

  4. Hint… add as much bacon to your dishes as possible. :)


Do you Have a Coach or a Cheerleader?


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