
CrossFit Hero Workout: Murph
Honor Navy Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy with the Murph Hero WOD. Learn how to perform the workout with scaling options for RX, intermediate, and beginner levels.

Schedule: The CrossFit Open at Blue Eagle
Friday, Feb 28
We’re hosting Friday Night Lights starting at 6 PM. (Regular 4:30 and 5:30 PM classes are canceled for this day.)
Friday, Mar 7
Another Friday Night Lights at 6 PM. (Regular 4:30 and 5:30 PM classes are canceled for this day.)
Saturday, Mar 15
Open workout at 9 AM.
Monday, Mar 17
Open workout at your normal class time.

Tuesday Motivation - Say Yes to Adventure
Some of our adventures are smaller.
- For me, adventures include taking my oldest daughter and her ten freshman swim teammates out to dinner,
- Driving across Texas for my 16-year-old’s water polo tournaments, and
- Sitting down with my 96-year-old grandmother to hear about the best decisions of her life.

Monday Motivation - Show up! :)
We just posted a congratulatory Instagram post to the top 10 attendees in January. You can see it here: Top Attendees in January. We are also giving out Blue Eagle commemorative stickers to everyone who attended 12+ classes in January.

CrossFit Programming in February
Discover the "Secret Sauce to Real Fitness" in this podcast episode, where we reveal the two key ingredients to losing weight, building muscle, getting toned, and living longer. Check out February’s CrossFit programming at Blue Eagle, featuring strength tests, VO2 max challenges, Hero WODs, and the classic "Fran" workout.

CrossFit Blue Eagle and the CrossFit Open
Pre-order your CrossFit Open Muscle Tee for just $25 and guarantee yourself a t-shirt. After that, they'll be $32 while supplies last. Click the picture or this link to place your order:

What is the CrossFit Community Cup?
The Community Cup is a virtual competition held in CrossFit affiliates worldwide. Registration opens May 12, 2025, and the event runs from June 9-15. Participants will complete three workouts, which can be done in any order within the week.
To participate, athletes must have completed all three Open workouts and submitted their scores by the deadline.

What Is the CrossFit Open?
The Open is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of fitness level. It consists of three workouts over three weeks. Each workout is released on Thursdays at 12 p.m. PT, and scores must be submitted by the following Monday at 5 p.m. PT. Athletes are grouped into divisions based on age, gender, and abilities:

Fulshear Winter Weather Update
As you’ve likely heard, a major winter storm is headed to the Houston area early next week, bringing freezing temperatures, ice, and potentially snow.
The safety of our community is our top priority, so we want to let you know that classes may be canceled on Tuesday, January 21, and Wednesday, January 22, especially the early morning and evening classes that occur in the dark, and Forever Fierce classes:
5:00 AM
6:00 AM
6:30 PM

Christmas & Holiday Schedule
Blue Eagle Fitness & Nutrition, Fulshear’s best gym, will have an updated schedule to celebrate Christmas and the holidays.

Thanksgiving Schedule
Thanksgiving schedule for the best gym in Fulshear:
Monday & Tuesday will have our regular schedule.
Wednesday classes at 6 AM, 8:30 AM, and 12 PM
No classes on Thanksgiving Day
One class at 9 AM on Friday (bring friends and family!)
One class at 9 AM on Saturday (bring friends and family!)

Christmas Party
You’re invited!
You and a “plus 1” are invited to the Blue Eagle Christmas party on Saturday, December 14, from 6-10 PM.
Attire will be semi-formal.
We will serve heavy appetizers.

CrossFit Hero WOD: Nate
In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4, 2008 during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.

CrossFit Hero WOD: Jack
Army Staff Sgt. Jack M. Martin III, 26, of Bethany, OK, assigned to the 3rd Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group, Fort Lewis, WA, died September 29th, 2009, in Jolo Island, Philippines, from the detonation of an improvised explosive device. Martin is survived by his wife Ashley Martin, his parents Jack and Cheryl Martin, and siblings Abe, Mandi, Amber, and Abi.

Hero Workout: DT
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

Monday Motivation - Celebrate 10 Years with Us!
We are thrilled to announce that Blue Eagle Fitness & Nutrition is celebrating its 10-year anniversary! This milestone is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and community spirit that each of you brings to our gym every day.

Hero Workout: Badger
In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA, who was killed in Iraq on December 11, 2007.

Hero Workout: Marston
Marston. Special Warfare Operator 1st Class William Blake Marston, 31, of Concord, New Hampshire, died Jan. 10, 2015, in DeLand, Florida, during military parachute training. Marston was assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL Team and served in the Navy for six years. Marston is survived by his girlfriend, Christine Clark; parents, Bill and Nancy; three siblings, Chris, Jeffrey and Emily; and many other friends and family.

Monday Motivation - Show up... People Need You!
Later today, we will have multiple athletes receive an email from CrossFit Headquarters that they have made it past the CrossFit Open and into the Quarterfinals. To move on to the Semifinals, these athletes must perform 4-5 workouts from April 17-22. From April 17-22, our normal class programming will be these required workouts.
This Saturday! Blue Eagle Open 24.4
Here's what we have for Saturday's workout. There will be 4 events (+1 extra workout if total attendance exceeds 24). Each event is either a AMRAP 5 or has a 5 minute time cap. We will take 5 minutes in between to reset after each event and rotate to the next until all are completed.