
Hero Workout: Daniel
"Daniel" is a powerful Hero WOD that pays tribute to Army Sergeant 1st Class Daniel Crabtree, who tragically lost his life in Iraq. The workout is a combination of endurance and strength, with a mix of bodyweight exercises, running, and weightlifting, designed to challenge both your mental and physical limits.

CrossFit Programming in February
Discover the "Secret Sauce to Real Fitness" in this podcast episode, where we reveal the two key ingredients to losing weight, building muscle, getting toned, and living longer. Check out February’s CrossFit programming at Blue Eagle, featuring strength tests, VO2 max challenges, Hero WODs, and the classic "Fran" workout.

CrossFit Blue Eagle and the CrossFit Open
Pre-order your CrossFit Open Muscle Tee for just $25 and guarantee yourself a t-shirt. After that, they'll be $32 while supplies last. Click the picture or this link to place your order:

Hero Workout: Zachary Tellier
The Hero WOD "Zachary Tellier" is a challenging tribute workout dedicated to U.S. Sgt. Zachary D. Tellier, who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving his country. This workout is structured as an escalating ladder of bodyweight movements, testing your stamina, strength, and mental toughness while honoring Tellier's heroism.

Why CrossFit Blue Eagle is the Best Gym in Fulshear for Busy People
Are you tired of wandering aimlessly around traditional gyms, unsure of what to do? If your goal is to lose weight and get fit while juggling a packed schedule, it might be time to rethink your gym membership. In my recent podcast episode on Busy People Getting Fit, I explained why joining a CrossFit gym is often a better choice than traditional gyms or even trendy fitness options like ArcoFit, Orange Theory, or F45.

Hero WOD: Three Wise Men
The CrossFit Hero workout "Three Wise Men" is a tribute to the Wise brothers, all of whom served in the military. The workout is divided into three segments, each named after one of the brothers: Jeremy, Ben, and Beau Wise. It’s designed to test your strength, stamina, and mental fortitude.

Hero Workout: DT
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

Hero Workout: Badger
In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA, who was killed in Iraq on December 11, 2007.

Hero Workout: Marston
Marston. Special Warfare Operator 1st Class William Blake Marston, 31, of Concord, New Hampshire, died Jan. 10, 2015, in DeLand, Florida, during military parachute training. Marston was assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL Team and served in the Navy for six years. Marston is survived by his girlfriend, Christine Clark; parents, Bill and Nancy; three siblings, Chris, Jeffrey and Emily; and many other friends and family.

Answering Your Questions
What do these abbreviations mean?
WOD = Workout Of the Day
MetCon = Metabolic Conditioning. Most people think of this part of the WOD as the “workout.”
AMRAP = As Many Repetitions As Possible
EMOM = Every Minute On the Minute

“What is the CrossFit Open?”
The 2024 CrossFit Games season starts with the Open — the first qualifying stage. Any athlete who wants to compete at the CrossFit Games must start with the Open.

Come One Time and Change Your Life Forever
How can one hour change your life forever?
Listen to Blue Eagle women share their stories...

Does Your Workout Program Work?
The article begins by discussing the importance of having a well-designed workout program. The author states that a good workout program should be tailored to your individual fitness goals, experience level, and lifestyle. It should also be challenging enough to help you improve, but not so challenging that it leads to injury.
The author then goes on to discuss some common mistakes that people make when designing their workout programs. One common mistake is to focus too much on cardio and not enough on strength training. Cardio is important for cardiovascular health, but strength training is essential for building muscle and improving bone density. Another common mistake is to do too much too soon. When you start a new workout program, it's important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time.

Navigating Uncertainty
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. A saying that you are probably familiar with.
Throughout our lives, we are forced to deal with ambiguous situations. Maybe you are starting a new job or going to your first day of school and you are unclear what you are supposed to do. Perhaps you are a business owner and a global pandemic prevents you from offering your services to your customers. While dealing with unfavorable situations can be challenging, it can also offer us an opportunity to learn and help develop us into a better person or business. The next time you are dealing with an uncertain situation, try to be positive and make the best of it…you just might learn a new skill that you can use in the future.

Can I do CrossFit even if I am injured?
One of the common questions that we've gotten recently, in particular, has been, "Hey, I'm hurt. Should I still come and work out?" As you know, we have a wonderful, lovely athlete who broke her foot while surfing in Costa Rica, so she's now in a boot. What can she do, especially on a day like today which is deadlift day? The class is going to start with a run, deadlift, kettlebell swings, goblet squats, not really good for someone with a broken foot. So should she even bother coming?

3 Things to Consider When Searching for Your New Gym
You are busy. And you want to be fit. Whether it’s your spouse, kids, or work, you have life pulling you in all sorts of directions. But you are also looking in the mirror and wanting to look more toned. You want to wake up every morning without joint pain. And you want to have the energy to make it through the day. You know joining (and actually going!) to the gym should be your next step. What gym should you join?

What’s happening in May??
May is right around the corner, which means the end of school, the start of summer break, and a little more heat during our days. :) Here’s what is happening at Blue Eagle in May.
Win $100
How would like to look great this summer while also having an extra $100 in your pocket??? Join our nutrition challenge “Six Weeks to a Six-Pack!” You will get nutrition coaching from Amy AND ALSO core work from Farah. Do you want to know how Farah’s core is so strong? Join this challenge and find out!

WIN $100.
Beach season is right around the corner. Let's get ready! Join us for our "Six Weeks to a Six-pack Challenge." Three workouts every week focusing on your core. Nutrition tips & tricks from a nutrition coach. Do the workouts at the gym or on your own time. Win a crisp $100 bill for the best increase in core strength.

World-Class Fitness in 100 Words
Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J (clean and jerk), and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc., hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.

Join a community, not just a gym
We are more than a gym. We are a community. We are Blue Eagle.
Fourteen (14) years after her husband was tragically killed in the line of duty, she posted this picture and a little of her story on social media.