Monday Motivation - When Was the Last Time I Failed?

Junior Olympics

You probably know one of my daughters plays water polo. In two weeks, we will be in southern California to support her and her team as they play in the Junior Olympics.

She hates to fail. This is a problem because sports are full of failure. Sometimes, the other team is better. Sometimes, the person you're guarding is a better player. Sometimes, you play almost perfectly, but the result is a loss.

My daughter is a defensive player surrounded by phenomenal offensive teammates who are great at scoring. She hates to shoot... except she is a really good shooter in her own right... and sometimes the other team doubts her... and the other team leaves her open... and she needs to shoot to help her team win.

Especially, in the past year she has learned to take the shot. In fact, she has learned it's her responsibility to take the shot. 

Taking Your Shot

Are you taking the shots in your life? A quick little way to test if you are stepping out of your comfort zone is to ask yourself, "When was the last time I failed?" Failing can be hard and humbling. But failing leads to growth. It leads to empathy. And our world needs more empathy.

I would love to hear your story about the last you stepped out, took a chance, and failed. And what you learned. And how you grew.

Have a great week!


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