
Monday Motivation - When Was the Last Time I Failed?
Monday Motivation, Success Bryan White Monday Motivation, Success Bryan White

Monday Motivation - When Was the Last Time I Failed?

Are you taking the shots in your life? A quick little way to test if you are stepping out of your comfort zone is to ask yourself, "When was the last time I failed?" Failing can be hard and humbling. But failing leads to growth. It leads to empathy. And our world needs more empathy.

I would love to hear your story about the last you stepped out, took a chance, and failed. And what you learned. And how you grew.

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The Top 4 Reasons your Nutrition Plan has Failed
Nutrition, Nutrition Coaching Bryan White Nutrition, Nutrition Coaching Bryan White

The Top 4 Reasons your Nutrition Plan has Failed

You want to look better, feel better and even sleep better. You know that taking care of your nutrition is important. And you have tried. But it isn’t working… at least it doesn’t work for very long. Nothing you try seems to stick. AND YOU BLAME YOURSELF. You think that if you just had more willpower… if you just had more discipline… if you just cared more… you would be better.

Here’s the truth: It’s not your fault.

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