Monday Motivation - Send A Text

Happy Monday, Blue Eagle!

Today's theme is relationships. The book I wrote, One Minute Fitness, gives you quick, easy, and simple actions you can take immediately to improve the way you eat, sleep, train, think, and build relationships.

When it comes to building relationships, the best thing you can do today is to send a text. Think of a friend, neighbor, or family member who you have not spoken to or seen in a while. 

Send A Text

Send them a text. Right now. Yes, for real, right now. Send them a text.

"Hey! I was thinking of you so I am sending you a text to let you know."

This is all you have to say.

Loneliness is one of the silent killers of our society. Millions of people are lonely because we think that no one wants to hear from us. But they do; they want to hear from you. They are silently begging for you to reach out.

Today... Send a text!


Monday Motivation - Celebrate 10 Years with Us!


Motivation Monday - Conquer Your Mornings