Monday Motivation - Rules Work

Happy Monday, Blue Eagle!

Rules work.

The best way to get people to do something is to set rules... not guidelines... not suggestions... rules. 

Our country has the most effective military in the history of the world because of rules. Our country effectively educates millions of kids every year because of rules. Ask a first-grade teacher if they have rules (with consequences) or merely suggestions for how their students should behave. :)

Suggestions for Rules

Rules can be effective in our lives as well. For the next month, you could set three rules for your life. Here are some thoughts:

- Make a rule to set your alarm clock at 4:40 AM Monday-Thursday. 

- Make a rule of no desserts, soda, or energy drinks.

- Make a rule to attend at least twelve classes and go on three long walks.

An Example of Rule-Setting

You and I may have talked about the benefits of intermittent fasting. Contrary to what you might read in a clickbait article online, intermittent fasting does not spike your metabolism, lower your blood sugar, or burn fat. However, intermittent fasting can be effective because it sets strict rules, like only eating from 10 AM-6 PM. This rule would help you lose weight if you struggle with snacking at night.


What makes a rule a rule is the consequence that comes from breaking it. 

- Every day you don't get up with your 4:40 AM alarm, you have to make a $10 donation to the political party you disagree with.

- Every time you eat a dessert, soda, or energy drink, write a family member a note of gratitude for them being in your life.

- For every class less than twelve you attend, perform 50 burpees on the last day of the month. For example, if you attend only eight classes, then perform 200 {(12 - 8) x 50) = 200} burpees on November 30.

Next Steps

Are there three rules you could set for yourself that help guide you to your goals or a more fulfilled life?

Let me know! Have a great week!


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