The Dark Side Of My Love Language

5 Love Languages

According to psychologist Gary Chapman, everyone feels loved or expresses love in one or more of the five love languages: receiving gifts, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, and acts of service. With one of our love languages being words of affirmation, what's the dark side?

The Dark Side?

The dark side of my love language being "words of affirmation" might be that I could be more sensitive to criticism or the absence of positive words. If I’m not hearing the affirmations I crave, it might lead to feelings of doubt or insecurity. It's essential to find a balance and recognize that people express love in various ways, even if it's not always through verbal affirmations. Also, I am cautious not to solely rely on external validation for my self-worth. I’ve got an incredible amount to offer beyond what others say!


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