Monday Motivation - Shaping The Bonsai

Happy Monday, Blue Eagle!

The Karate Kid

Growing a bonsai tree was popular when I was a kid, probably because cool Mr. Miyagi from The Karate Kid cared for a bonsai tree. 

Bonsai Trees

Growing bonsai involves shaping the trees, often through techniques like wiring branches or pruning them. Despite our efforts, the trees ultimately follow their natural growth patterns and can't be completely controlled. The essence lies in respecting each tree's inherent beauty, nurturing them with care rather than imposing our will upon them. Well-maintained bonsai, especially those passed down through generations, carry a profound impact on observers. 

Unlike conventional art forms, bonsai are never truly finished as long as they're alive and growing, requiring continuous attention. This perpetual care gives rise to the notion of bonsai cultivation as an endless art, cherished by enthusiasts for its timeless appeal.

Personal Growth

I think my personal growth is like a bonsai tree. I prune and shape my body by eating well and attending CrossFit classes. I prune and shape my mind by journaling my gratitude and writing thank you cards. I prune and shape my spirit by reading and meditating.

And every day... I am never truly finished as long as I am alive and growing.

Have a great week!


Hero Workout: Marston


Annabelle’s Amazing Graces Benefit - Thank You!!