Monday Motivation

Hello Blue Eagle!

John F. Kennedy once said, "Too often, we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."  Anyone who has been on social media for the past three years can attest to this statement!

I believe something similar...

Too often, we enjoy the comfort of dreams without the discomfort of action.

The trick to taking action is to make the action as easy as possible. Want to eat better? Carry your favorite piece of fruit around with you. Want to sleep more? Set an alarm 15 minutes before the bedtime you want to remind you to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Want to reduce stress? Place a journal and pen on your desk to write your thoughts when you start to feel stressed.

Write down a goal. Then, write down the simplest, easiest, and most sustainable action you can take to reach your goal. Today, take that action!

If you want to talk, book your goal review session with me:


Spartan Race


Coaching Linda