Coaching Linda

This morning is a tough workout logistically to coach if you don’t have a plan. I thought I’d share my lesson plan with you guys in order to get you to think about how to problem-solve through difficult situations and to ensure we are delivering the best coaching experience for our athletes. I've attached a photo of this morning's class for reference.

Brief-0:00-3:00: This workout is called “Three Bars of Death” but we are going to do a “partner style” to manage the space and equipment (this is necessary for a class of 6-10; photo attached). Barbell “C” on the right is for cleans. Barbell “D” in the middle is for deadlifts. Barbell “B” on the left is for the bench. Partner A starts on deadlift and partner B will start on the cleans. This will avoid a bottle neck when we are rotating through bars. Deadlift goes to the bench, the bench goes to cleans, cleans go to the deadlift. Coaches will monitor the bench in case a spotter is needed. Note that I had Suzy doing floor press. We had a PT this morning so the 5th bench was not available. 

General Warm-up- 3:00-8:00: We started with the world’s greatest stretch before getting into the barbell warmup (QOTD insert). Next, I guided them through the first round calling out reps. Specifically, I wanted to look for static cues in the bottom of the deadlift to make sure the setup was correct (“hips down-chest up”, shoulders over the bar with the knees behind the bar).

Specific Warm-up (Cleans) - 8:00-15:00: Because we are short for time I used a short progression to get athletes familiar with the core to extremity sequence. 

  1. Bar at mid-shin to mid-thigh to jump shrug (Seeing: pausing in each position, watch for shoulders over the bar and hip extension) x 2-3 reps

  2. Bar at mid-shin to mid-thigh to shrug high pull (Seeing: hip extension before elbows high and outside) x 2-3 reps

  3. Bar at mid-shin to mid-thigh to muscle clean (Seeing: Core to extremity) x 2-3 reps

  4. Front Squat x 5 reps (on their own pausing for 1 sec at the bottom)

  5. Full Squat Cleans x 5 reps (pull slow past the knees and then contact the bar on the way up)

Specific Warm-up (Deadlift/Bench) - 15:00-25:00: Use this time to finish loading for cleans, then building up for deadlifts. Once these two movements were done (3-4 reps each set until the desired weight is achieved), I did a short brief of the bench press highlighting elbows in toward the hips and bar path.

Workout Start - 25:00-55:00: I set a 30 minute cap for this workout. Beginner times for Linda at 28:00-32:00 minutes. Let’s scale appropriately to get sub 30 minutes. Watch for set-up positions in deadlifts. Form will diminish over time. Cleans are SQUAT cleans. Using a power clean to a front squat is acceptable. We are making sure spines are safely moving and we are reaching full range of motion. Don’t get stuck behind the bench the whole time but spot when necessary. Have fun! 

Clean-up - (55:00-60:00): Take scores and reset for next class. Keep the barbell empty and on the floor/bench.

Stay on time management is key! This isn't only a respect to our busy athletes but this gives you accountability when you are preparing for your classes. When coming up with a plan this frees you from stress and allows you to focus on what's most important, connecting with your athletes. 

If you guys have any questions, please let me know! I'm invested in all of you and the great work you do. Let's keep chasing excellence! 

Happy coaching!


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