Why Should You Try CrossFit?

by Bryan White

Blue Eagle Fitness & Nutrition

  1. Get Accountability

    The #1 reason people do not follow through with an exercise program is lack of accountability.  If you decide not to show up to the local gym, yoga class, spin class, etc., you know no one will notice.  When you join Blue Eagle, your coach and classmates know your name, your family, and what gets you out of bed in the morning.  Within the first hour, you will have talked to more people than you did in years at a traditional gym.  Some of the best friendships people have made are through CrossFit.  Great business contacts and other beneficial relationships get formed as well.  A lot of that comes from a sense of mutual respect for one another.  Hard work, discipline, and resiliency are personality traits we build together. 

  2. Have Fun

    The #2 reason people fail to continue with an exercise program is that they get bored.  In CrossFit, every day is different.  We do a variety of movements with a variety of equipment.  One day might be a 30-minute workout with rowing, squats, and presses.  The next day might be a deadlift workout followed by sled pushes.  New clients are pleasantly surprised that they enjoy coming to class! It’s similar to when friends meet for lunch, coffee, or a drink.  Only this time, the meeting is a much healthier option. We joke, we laugh, we work very hard, we don’t take ourselves too seriously... and in the end, we have fun.  

  3. Lifts Weights

    Spinning, running, and yoga are trendy choices of exercise.  Many people who come to us have primarily trained this way.  However, weight training is necessary to lose weight and get toned.  The best way to burn fat and get toned is to exercise with barbells, kettlebells, and dumbbells.  CrossFit is unique because of how efficient it is in getting people to their goals.  You will have a coach in every session, and your coach will help you exercise at the right intensity.  The right intensity is not too easy, but it’s also not too hard.

  4. Build Confidence 

    People turn their lives around while doing CrossFit.  We are more than a gym of people looking to “get in shape.” The depressed become happy, the near-divorced couple is now happily married, and the woman with no confidence leaves the abusive spouse.  Members who spent their lives blaming genetics for their poor health receive hope. Moms and dads get their energy back and can play with their kids and grandkids while on golf, ski, or hiking vacations.  The list is endless. Fortunately, there is something about overcoming fears with friends and coaches; that those people then take in, and they then begin to take control of their own life on their terms.


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