5 Ways to Relieve Chronic Back Pain

by Bryan White

Blue Eagle Fitness & Nutrition

Low-back pain is one of the top reasons that Americans see their doctors.  If your lower back is a weak spot for you, here are five ways to help relieve that chronic pain. 

  1. Get more exercise

    Before rolling your eyes that a gym is suggesting you get more exercise, consider how much exercise you were getting when your back issue started.  Most people have problems that began with a single event where we lifted more than we could handle and then twisted or awkwardly arched our back during the movement. Many people get hurt while moving heavy furniture – think carrying a loveseat around a corner and down a flight of stairs.  While a day or two may help with acute pain, any more rest may cause more harm. Regular physical activity eases muscle inflammation and tension.

  2. Don't Rest an Achy Back

    Doctors used to prescribe bed rest for back pain. But now we know that lying still is one of the worst things you can do.  It can make back pain worse and lead to other complications.  Don't rest for more than one or two days.  Exercise is one of the most effective ways to relieve back pain quickly.

  3. Lose weight

    Extra weight, especially around our stomach, worsens back pain because it shifts our center of gravity forward.  This shift puts pressure on our low backs.  Also, extra weight around our midsection puts extra pressure on our intervertebral discs.  Imagine a jam-packed car. Now imagine that the tires of this vehicle begin to bulge and weaken from supporting too much weight. This is what can happen to our discs when we are overweight.

  4. Sleep on your back or side

    Sleeping on your stomach may help with snoring, but there are many downsides to sleeping in this position.  It flattens the natural curve of your spine. Plus, sleeping with your head to one side can cause neck strain.  Try lying on your side. Place a pillow between your knees to keep your spine in a neutral position and relieve strain on your back. If you need to sleep on your back, slide a pillow under your knees. Be sure to sleep on a comfortably firm mattress.

  5. Receive hands-on massage therapy

    Receiving a professional massage once per week for ten weeks improves pain and functionality for people with chronic lower back pain.  The benefits of a professional massage lasted six months.  When clients also participated in personal training, the pain was delayed indefinitely.  


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