What are the Benefits of CrossFit Shoes?

CrossFit shoes are designed for functional fitness.jpg

There are very clear benefits of wearing shoes specific to CrossFit because we perform such a wide range of activities.  CrossFit workouts consist of everything from sprints to heavy weightlifting and rope climbing to box jumps. It’s clear that a running shoe, or cheap workout shoe won’t stand up to this kind of test. That’s why you should consider a specialized Cross Fit shoe.

Here are some specific reasons why you might consider CrossFit shoes instead of running or general training shoes:

  • Comfort

  • Flexibility

  • Balance

  • Durability (especially with rope climbs & handstand push-ups)

  • Heel-to-toe drop

  • Ankle rolls

  • Balance

  • Shoe weight

Some great options to consider are Reeboks, Nikes, and NoBulls.  There are definitely other options available, but you should be able to find a pair of shoes that work for you among these three brands.


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