For more than six years, we have been known as CrossFit Fulshear. But we are more than CrossFit. We help busy people get fit: losing weight, building muscle, and getting off diabetes medication. In six months, Chad* lost 8 % of body fat and gained 6 lbs. of muscle. The best part was that he lowered his A1C values so low he no longer needs his diabetes medication. We change lives.

We help people look and feel better. Jolene* is in her late 40’s. She joined our community six months ago, wanting to look better in her bikini at the beach in Destin and feel better after her long runs preparing for a marathon. Because of how we coach, Jolene moves *GREAT* now and loved her time at the beach.

Our coaching philosophy is this:

  • First, move better

  • Second, move better consistently (even when your coach isn’t watching)

  • Third, add intensity with more weight or faster repetitions

Our coaching is intentional and delivers results. Our clients are part of a supportive community with coaches and friends who keep them accountable. And our programming is different every day, so no one ever gets bored.

We move in every way we can imagine. We squat, lift, and press. We watch the strongest people in the world and do what they do; Olympic lifters clean and snatch. We also watch the most flexible people in the world and do what they do; gymnasts do pull-ups, push-ups, handstands, ring rows, and jumps. We use different equipment like barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, wall balls, sleds, ropes, and pull-up bars. We push and pull; we run, row, and bike.

My favorite part of what we do is on our success wall. This wall of pictures was designed initially to show prospects the real results delivered to real people. But it is also where we show our current clients the AMAZING results they have earned. People often look forward to the results they want but not giving themselves credit for results already achieved.

Tom* joined wanting to “lose weight.” He didn’t know how much weight he needed to lose, but he knew his doctor was concerned. Twelve months later, he had lost 25 lbs. and could squat with his hips below his knees. It’s a fantastic achievement! It only happens through dedication. Tom was frustrated with not having lost more weight until we showed him a picture of when he started. He needed a reminder of all the progress he had made. Now his son is also part of our community.

We are more than CrossFit. We are also Forever Fit... and Teens... and Personal Training... and Nutrition Coaching. And we are changing our name. We want our name to be more inclusive of everything we are.

We are Blue Eagle Fitness & Nutrition.


14-Day “Get Lean” Meal Plan


The CrossFit Open at Blue Eagle