
The Two Things Required to Get Toned & Build Muscle
Build Muscle Bryan White Build Muscle Bryan White

The Two Things Required to Get Toned & Build Muscle

Building muscle requires two key elements: resistance training and proper nutrition.

Resistance training, such as weightlifting, creates micro-tears in muscle fibers, and the body repairs and strengthens these fibers during rest, leading to muscle growth.

Adequate protein intake is crucial for this process, as proteins are the building blocks of muscles. So, hit the weights and fuel up with the right nutrients!

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Why You Should Take Amino Acids
Nutrition, Supplements, BCAAs Bryan White Nutrition, Supplements, BCAAs Bryan White

Why You Should Take Amino Acids

We lift weights and train to build bigger stronger muscles, but exactly how does the building process work? Resistance training triggers protein synthesis, a signal that tells our body to use proteins to construct new muscle tissue. Supplementing with BCAA’s during and after resistance training can increase the protein synthesis signaling, meaning more muscle growth! Even without resistance training BCAA’s can aid in the preservation of lean tissue and help prevent fat gain!

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