Motivation Monday - Don’t Wait; Do It Now

TL;DR - Pick one thing you’ve been putting off and take the first step today. Send the text, make the call, ​join a CrossFit group fitness class, start personal training in Fulshear—whatever it is, do it now.


Happy Monday,​ Blue Eagle!

Today, I want to share a powerful message that stopped me in my tracks: “Don’t wait. Do it now​!”

Mike Posner recently shared the story of a trip to Hawaii he took with his dad—a trip they had always talked about but never planned until one fateful conversation changed everything. Shortly after returning from the trip, his dad was diagnosed with brain cancer and passed away.

The lesson is crystal clear: Life is short. Tomorrow isn’t promised. If something is important to you, ​d​on't wait. Do it now!

Mike also shared life lessons he learned from his dad’s life and death, and they struck a chord with me:

From His Life:

  • Love unconditionally.

  • Take care of your family.

  • Never forget to enjoy life and chill.

From His Death:

  • Don’t wait to pursue your dreams or tell someone you love them.

  • Don’t wait to forgive or seek forgiveness.

  • Embrace the messiness of life—it’s okay to not have it all figured out.

This week, I challenge you to reflect on what you’ve been waiting to do. Maybe it’s ​​coming ​to class one more time this week, reconnecting with a loved one, or finally taking time for yourself.

Here’s the truth: There’s no perfect moment. There’s only now.

So, pick one thing you’ve been putting off and take the first step today. Send the text, make the call, ​join a CrossFit group fitness class, start personal training in Fulshear—whatever it is, do it now.

Here’s to a week of action and living life without regrets.

You’ve got this,



Monday Motivation - CrossFit South Central Affiliate Summit


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