Monday Motivation - What Are You Preparing For?

What are you preparing for (in life, at work, with your family, or maybe finances)?

At Blue Eagle, we are preparing for our Hero WOD on Memorial Day called "Murph." This workout includes running, pull-ups, push-ups, and air squats, followed by more running. You may notice our workouts in the past couple of weeks have involved these movements. We are preparing you, mentally and physically, for the workout.

Have you ever looked at a workout and thought, "That doesn't seem so bad?" The Murph workout is not one of those! I believe it looks worse on paper. But you will be able to complete the work. Your coaches are preparing you for what is coming. :)

Back to the original question, what are you preparing for? Are you saving money for a house, a car, college, or retirement? All of these things are coming.

Are you preparing for a promotion at work? You may want a different position in the future. What are you doing today to get ready for it?

I think about David and Goliath when I think about getting prepared for the future. When you look at the whole situation that David faced, you realize there was a 100 % chance of him defeating Goliath. He had spent years fighting off wild animals with nothing more than a slingshot. He had spent years preparing for something that he didn't know was coming. But he was ready when his people needed him most!

Have a great week! 


Motivation Monday - Responding When Life Seems Unfair


Motivation Monday - Celebrate Success (& Reply w a Picture)