What’s Your ‘Why’?

Living a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy when we are surrounded by fast food, busy kids’ schedules, and Netflix.  For people who choose to take care of themselves, there is always a reason… their ‘why’.  Darren and Maggie are under constant pressure managing work, kids, and time together.  But they make the effort to take care of themselves.  Why?

Maggie’s mom died when she was a young child, so she wants to be active in her kids’ lives for a very long time.  Initially, living longer was Maggie’s ‘why’.  But now she loves seeing what her body can accomplish and the physical changes she has seen from working out.  Working out at Blue Eagle Fitness & Nutrition has helped her gain more muscle, strength, and confidence.  Muscle, strength, and confidence are essential in her job as an Emergency Room Nurse Practitioner.  Her job requires long hours of walking, standing, pushing, pulling, and holding certain muscles in one position for periods at a time.  These things have become a lot easier with her increased strength and endurance.  She can do more heavy lifting, and do it more safely with less fatigue.  CrossFit has also improved her mood, eating habits, and especially her sleep.  A few weeks after starting CrossFit, she started sleeping two hours more every night.  Now she sleeps a full eight hours and it has been a total life-changer.  

Maggie’s kids have noticed that she and Darren are taking care of themselves.  The couple makes it clear that investing in their own health is an investment in their kids.  Their kids have jumped into exercise as well.  Maggie makes them “AMRAP 20” (as many reps as possible for 20 minutes) the game room.  The kids have twenty minutes to put away as many toys as possible.  It’s hilarious watching the kids do it. ☺

Darren’s life changed one night in 2015 when he struggled into the living room straining to ask Maggie what the symptoms for a heart attack were.  An emergency room visit, several tears, tests, and a heart catheter later, Darren had a new view on life.  There have been no serious long-term effects, but he has a renewed focus on taking care of himself.  He grew up playing sports with friends in the neighborhood or on his competitive soccer team.  After college, marriage, a new job, and a few kids, other responsibilities took priority.  Being a good husband and dad takes time, and so does being a good lawn artisan, grill master, child chauffeur and the ultimate Mr. Fix-It. ☺  

Darren’s first ‘why’ was to live past the age of 38.  Now that he has better control of his health, his ‘why’ is to keep up with all the kids.  They’re constantly moving with either basketball, throwing the football, volleyball, or the occasional Nerf gun war.  But more importantly, working out teaches his kids how to be active.  When they see their parents active, they will be much more likely to stay active through their own lives.

How are Darren and Maggie able to juggle all of their commitments?  An online family calendar, a loud alarm clock, and sometimes miracles.  They have decided their health is important because it makes almost every other aspect of their family better.  Their commitment to a healthy lifestyle means that other priorities sometimes take a backseat… and sometimes a workout gets missed to watch a kid’s soccer game.  Life really does get complicated for them with so many time commitments.  They have reached the point where they no longer see CrossFit and Weightlifting as optional.

As a couple making their way through their hectic lives together, training together has brought them closer.  They enjoy watching each other get stronger, look better, and achieve new goals.  They love encouraging each other during partner workouts.     

Even though they don’t always “have it all together” by any means, they have learned to love themselves as works in progress.


Forever Fierce at Blue Eagle Makes Fitness Fun for Seniors


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