What’s the Most Effective Workout for YOU?

Did you know that < 5% of people who train without a coach get results? Most of us want to get in shape, lose some weight, and look better in front of the mirror. But we all face constraints in our lives, whether it’s money $$$, time, or motivation. How do we solve this problem? What is the most effective workout for you?




Working with a coach, especially in small groups, SIGNIFICANTLY boosts your chances for success. Here’s how: 

  1. Motivation. Let’s face it; workouts love company! Knowing that you have a coach and classmates waiting on you at 6 AM is the motivation to roll out of bed, put your gym shoes on, and get going. As camaraderie builds among the group, it gets more comfortable going to the gym. The best example of motivation through small-group friendship is CrossFit. Every workout has variety, and the intensity creates a competitive environment that pushes everyone to do their best. The #1 factor in getting results is showing up, and your coach and classmates provide that motivation.

  2. Coaching. The #2 factor in getting results is having a coach prescribing your workout, correcting your technique, and pushing you when you need it. You only have two responsibilities in CrossFit: show up and listen to your coach. Even before you walk through the door, your coach has already tailored a workout just for you. As you warm-up and exercise, your coach will guide you through moving more safely and efficiently.

  3. High Intensity. The most efficient way to get the best results in the least amount of time is through high-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT is alternating periods of short, intense exercise with more extended, less-intense periods, which allows your body to recover. If you are “time-poor,” then HIIT is your magic pill. After a 15-minute warm-up, you can accomplish two 15-min workouts followed by a cooldown. That’s it. But there is a catch: “high intensity” is required. A coach pushing you to the right intensity will get you where you want to be.

  4. Setting Goals. Everyone has clear “outcome” goals, like lose 20 lbs. A coach will transform outcome goals into “behavior” goals, like attend four CrossFit classes a week and drink a glass of water as soon as you wake-up. Clear behavior goals are what will allow you to achieve the results you want. Dreams come true only when you take action.

  5. Cost. Small-group training allows you to get the dedicated attention from a coach that you need but at a fraction of the cost of a personal trainer. Pricing for small-groups is up to 70% less expensive than personal training. Here is a review we recently received from one of our long-time members, Daniel T., “Being a member at CrossFit Fulshear solves all my problems. With the small-group training, I get the dedicated attention of a coach without the higher cost of personal training.” 

Which small-group training program do you want to start? Call a gym today.


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