A Coach Who Cares

If you are committed to improving your health, you have decided to dedicate your personal resources of time, energy, and money. You deserve a coach who is also making a commitment to YOU. You deserve a coach who guides you to improved health while also educating, entertaining, and inspiring you.  

A great coach cares. She cares about helping you achieve things you may not even believe possible. She sees things as they are, not worse. She realizes that achieving radical results is done through consistent incremental changes. And she inspires you in such a way that you look forward to waking up the next morning and taking another step toward your goals. 

Farah Holder, a Weston Lakes resident, is a coach who cares.  Farah coaches SweatX boot camp at CrossFit Fulshear. She has been coaching for decades, including high school volleyball and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) classes. Coaching is a passion for Farah.  She's been fortunate to have some fantastic coaches who genuinely made a difference in her life, and she wants to pay it forward.  She loves feeling the excitement when someone begins believing in themselves and pushing themselves past what they thought was possible. 

Farah is always looking to improve.  In fact, if she had the opportunity to meet one person she hadn't met yet, she would love meeting the 75-year-old (or older) "Farah."  She would learn about mistakes she had made, regrets she might have, and listen to any other advice the older "Farah" could provide. 

Her "happy place" is in the gym.  Weight training, along with cardio, helps clear her mind and stay refreshed.  Her second "happy place" is in a remote location like the beach or the mountains with her husband, Shea, and two daughters, Rylie and Madeline.  She treasures her family time, especially when no one has a mobile phone. ☺ 

She believes a healthy life is finding the right combination of taking care of yourself while also enjoying life along the way.  Taking care of ourselves by working out and eating healthy meals is essential. But equally important is sharing special moments with our family and friends... mainly when those moments include dessert!

You need a coach as dedicated to your health as you are.  You need a coach who cares.  You need a coach like Farah.


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I’m a food-aholic