
I tweaked my shoulder, now what??
Injury Bryan White Injury Bryan White

I tweaked my shoulder, now what??

It's not a topic that we like talking about. A lot of us think that if we are in a perfect program with perfect coaching we should never get injured. I don't disagree with that theory but let me tell you a little bit about my story and see if it resonates with you, and we'll go from there.

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Can I do CrossFit even if I am injured?
CrossFit, Training, Injury Bryan White CrossFit, Training, Injury Bryan White

Can I do CrossFit even if I am injured?

One of the common questions that we've gotten recently, in particular, has been, "Hey, I'm hurt. Should I still come and work out?" As you know, we have a wonderful, lovely athlete who broke her foot while surfing in Costa Rica, so she's now in a boot. What can she do, especially on a day like today which is deadlift day? The class is going to start with a run, deadlift, kettlebell swings, goblet squats, not really good for someone with a broken foot. So should she even bother coming?

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