Do I Have to Count Calories to Lose Weight?

In a world where we have so much technology at our fingertips, you may feel it’s necessary to count your calories as accurately as possible. There are lots of apps to help with calorie-counting, but is it absolutely required?

There is a much easier way to control our portions. Try using your hand as a guide. Your hand is proportionate to your body, plus it’s always with you. Your hand is the perfect tool for measuring your food.

Here how it works:

  • Your palm determines your protein portions

  • Your fist determines your veggie portions

  • Your cupped hand determines your carb portions

  • Your thumb determines your fat portions

Most men should use two hands, while most women should use only one hand.


Turn “Outcome” Goals into “Behavior” Goals


Hunter Davis from GermBusters is Cleaning at Blue Eagle