CrossFit Open 21.1

To read previous blogs about the CrossFit Open at Blue Eagle, check these out:

Today is the day!

Today is the day we will celebrate our fitness with Open Workout 21.1. Now that we know the workout, which was announced last night on the CrossFit Games website, we have a plan for tonight. Here is the workout:

For time:

1 wall walk, 10 double-unders

3 wall walks, 30 double-unders

6 wall walks, 60 double-unders

9 wall walks, 90 double-unders

15 wall walks, 150 double-unders

21 wall walks, 210 double-unders

Time cap: 15 min.

This workout will be an endurance test for our shoulders. The good news is that we do wall walks and double-unders regularly as part of our programming, so almost everyone has experience with both movements. As with every workout, we will tailor the workout to fit your abilities.

The plan for tonight

5 PM

For people who are able, please arrive at the gym at 5 PM. We will start our group warm-up between 5:15-5:30 PM. It is a warm-up that we have done many times and will get your shoulders loose and your calves warm. The warm-up will be a full-body just like every warm-up we do.


We will run heats of 6-9 people until everyone has gone. If you are unable to arrive at 5 PM, (No worries!) arrive as soon as you are able. You will go in a later heat.


This is a global competition and you will have a judge. You will also need to be a judge. :) One of the best parts of Open workouts is a judge to keep count of your reps (yay!). If you miss a jump rope rep or your feet fall off the wall before your hands reach the tape, then your judge will also “no rep” you. It’s not a big deal. Everyone gets no repped in almost every workout. We will be tired and make mistakes, both physically and mentally. Keep moving and you will do fine.


Please bring a mask to wear while judging. My #1 responsibility is to keep you safe. The best thing we can do at Blue Eagle to reduce or eliminate the spread of COVID is to improve airflow. This is why we keep the doors open, and the fans blowing. We also maintain sufficient space between ourselves while training. Tonight, however, you will be asked to judge a fellow athlete. You may be in close quarters with the athlete you’re judging, another athlete, or another judge. Please be prepared to wear your mask while judging.

Things to bring

You are coming to a party! Bring things you might find useful for a picnic: chairs, sides, and beverages. Our event is being catered by Holy Smokin’ Barbecue with plenty of meat. If you can bring some side dishes, you may find your meal more enjoyable. :) Some people have inquired about adult beverages. You are ABSOLUTELY WELCOME to bring what you would take to a picnic. We are having a PARTY! Having said this, all adult beverages need to be consumed after you work out.


E-mail me at if you have any questions.


CrossFit Open 21.2


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