Are You Coming to All of Our Parties? 🥳

We are celebrating our growing senior adult Forever Fierce program with an open house on Tuesday, December 12, from 12-1 PM!

Invite family, friends, and neighbors for a free CrossFit workout.

Do you have a mom, dad, aunt, uncle, or neighbor, who might want to have fun with new friends? Don’t let them miss out on this opportunity!

On Sunday, December 10, from 12-5 PM, we will host our annual gym deep cleaning party! If you’re like, “That sounds less like a party and more like work,” then I agree with you! However, we have members who enjoy getting their hands a little dirty, while watching football, eating BBQ, and being at Blue Eagle.

We will move outside everything that’s not attached to a wall and wipe it down. We will vacuum and mop all the hard-to-reach crevices in the gym with everything moving out.

Coach Dave and I will be leading the effort. Feel free to join us for as much or as little time as you would like!

Celebrate the year at our annual Christmas Party. Click here or on the picture sign up to bring a side dish, dessert, or appetizer.


Monday Motivation - Hope Will Not Change Your Life, but Habits Will


What Supplements Should You Take?