We are dying sooner than we did almost ten years ago

Most people want to live long, happy, and healthy lives. But with the obesity epidemic hitting our country and the increase in Type 2 Diabetes, life expectancy in the U.S. has actually fallen since 2011. Let that sink in… we are dying sooner than we did almost ten years ago. And people with Type 2 diabetes carry a 15 % increased risk of premature death compared to healthy people, according to the New England Journal of Medicine. In this article from the Wall Street Journal “U.S. Life Expectancy Fell in First Half of 2020,” life expectancy had fallen to its lowest levels since 2006 as of January 2021 (post-COVID).

Type 2 Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your blood sugar is too high. Blood sugar is your primary source of energy and comes mainly from the food you eat. Insulin, a hormone made by your body, helps glucose get into your cells to be used for energy. In Type 2 Diabetes, your body doesn’t make enough insulin or doesn’t use insulin well. Too much glucose then stays in your blood, and not enough reaches your cells.

Can obesity and Type 2 Diabetes be cured?

We find ourselves in a good news/bad news situation. The good news is that we know how to treat, reverse, and cure Type 2 Diabetes. The bad news is that food and drug companies spend BILLIONS of $$$ every year trying to convince you the cure isn’t worth it.  This is why we are dying sooner than we did almost ten years ago.

Ponder this: how many places can you order a palm-sized portion of meat and grilled vegetables? Now consider: how many places can you order a hamburger, fries and a drink?

At Blue Eagle, We know how to fight against the machine that’s killing us. We know what we can do to live longer, feel better, and be happier.

Eat real food, mostly plants (fruits & vegetables), and not too much of it.  And then improve your ability to work out by getting stronger, breathing better, and improving your heart capacity.


We know we can reverse obesity and the effects of Type 2 Diabetes.  We have seen it happen.  A client who was overweight and taking Metformin, a diabetes drug to reduce glucose levels in the bloodstream, no longer needs his medication.


You may have a doctor who says diabetes is incurable. But it’s only incurable when someone returns to sitting on the couch and eating too many carbohydrates (carbs). This is the same as getting tuberculosis (TB), being cured through medications, and then getting TB again through a second exposure years later. This means you will become diabetic again if you get back on the couch and eat too many carbs.  If we get back on the couch, we will be dying sooner than we did ten years ago.

Specifically, what does it take to improve a diabetic condition?

First, you need a nutrition coach. For decades, doctors have told us to “eat right.” And for decades we have gained weight. You need a nutrition coach to help you through the process of changing your eating lifestyle. One question you might have is, “are protein bars good for you?” The answer is, “It depends.” Is the bar better than grilled chicken, steak, fish, or pork? No. Is the bar better than a bag of potato chips? Yes. A coach can help answer these questions for YOU.


Second, you need to exercise three times a week, AT A MINIMUM. Your body was built to move. Ideally, you would train 5-6 days every week at various intensities, using multiple pieces of equipment, and doing lots of different movements. This is what makes CrossFit an excellent choice.


Stuff the sleigh!